Who are these people? And who am I?

What a loaded question, right? I grew up in a large family, then had four children and now eight grandchildren and I taught school for almost 30 years. I have always been in a group, it seems. I am fascinated with who people really are and how people in groups interact.

Have you ever looked around you and thought about how different people are?  We are all unique with distinct traits. Knowing how these traits work is empowering. Not only does it help us interact better with others, but it also allows for deeper understanding and self-actualization. 

This website is an exploratory look at theories that explain why people are the way they are.  Some will call this pop psychology, and I am OK with that.  You can decide for yourself how accurate they are and what you think. I do guarantee that these theories will open your eyes to your individual traits and why they make you the amazing person that you are!